"Plato once said this about music: “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
Certified music therapist Miya Adout has been busier than ever during the COVID epidemic, using music to combat the isolation and feelings of anxiety of seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
In fact, two seniors residences in the GTA have continued music therapy with her team of 10 throughout, considering it essential, she told me this past week.
One, coincidentally, happens to be 147 Elder St., where my father is a resident.
Adout said one of her therapists — Carmen Lee — has played her guitar at the bedroom doorways of that facility’s residents, or in the lounge, delivering an individualized repertoire while masked.
“She’s been bringing them a lot of joy … our goal is to help them combat feelings of isolation and loneliness and depression,” said Adout, noting those feelings have “just been amplified” during the pandemic."
Read more of Sue-Ann Levy's article in the TORONTO SUN.