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3 Goals for Intergenerational Music Therapy Groups
There is something very special about facilitating intergenerational music groups. As a music therapist, my job in these programs is to...

MMT Music Therapist Feature: Naomi Beh-Aharon
Get to know Miya Music Therapy team member, Naomi Ben-Aharon! 1. How did you get into the music therapy field? I have always known that I...

Playlist of the Week: Getting Older
Aging is a common theme that can emerge in therapy when working with many age groups, including: - children who may have adult-like...

6 Resources on Music Therapy Around the Globe: Happy World Music Therapy Day!
Happy World Music Therapy Day everyone! This is a day where music therapists and advocates for music therapy around the world celebrate...

Happy Family Day! Songwriting Intervention
Happy family day everyone! For those music therapists who are working today, or who are drawing upon family day as a theme for sessions...
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