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Music Therapists Collaborate with Allied Health Care Professionals in Long-Term Care
"Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration wonderful things can be achieved." - Mattie Stepanek Music therapists...

Playlist of the Week: Dancing Songs to Add to Your Music Therapy Repertoire
There are so many instances when songs related to dancing are brought forth in a music therapy session. Perhaps you are using the song to...

MMT Music Therapist Feature: Naomi Beh-Aharon
Get to know Miya Music Therapy team member, Naomi Ben-Aharon! 1. How did you get into the music therapy field? I have always known that I...

5 Self-Care Tips for Music Therapists During Sessions
As music therapists, we all know how important self-care is, yet it can be so easy to let it slip away with a busy caseload and plenty to...

3 Music Therapy Goal Areas for Seniors with Dementia
Music therapists are very familiar with explaining what we do for a living at social gatherings. "Wow, a Music Therapist! That is so...

So You Want to be a Music Therapist? Tips to fulfilling your dream!
In the past couple of weeks I have received many emails from students and professionals who are interested in entering the music therapy...
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